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Tips & Articles


Know the Basics of Contractual Risk Transfer

As the contractor on a construction project, you face a multitude of serious risks. When you start bringing subcontractors into the project, those risks go up exponentially. Suddenly you could be exposed to liabilities for damages or injuries caused by those subcontractors working on your behalf, whether it’s an injury to one of the sub’s employees, an injury to a site visitor, or some type of property damage.

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Anatomy of an Insurance Claim: 7 Crucial Steps

If you’re like most homeowners, you don’t give your insurance much thought … until you need to use it. One day a devastating fire, water leak, or other disaster could leave your home with extensive damage. Do you know what comes next? Are you prepared to navigate the recovery process? Instead of waiting until disaster strikes, take a few minutes now to understand the claim process.

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Occupational Safety: When, How and Where to Report Incidents

When it comes to occupational safety and health, all employers in Hawaii have reporting requirements with which they must comply. Understanding when and to whom incidents need to be reported can be confusing, especially for smaller employers or employers with very limited or sporadic experience with work-related injuries or safety incidents. Here are answers to frequently asked questions on this topic to help guide Hawaii employers through the reporting process.

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What to Do After a Car Accident

More than seven million police-reported crashes occurred in the U.S. in 2016. Even if you’re a safe driver, the odds are high that you’ll be involved in a car crash at some point in your life. Even a minor fender bender is enough to ruin a person’s day, but mistakes after the accident can make it even worse. Prepare yourself with the knowledge of what to do – and what to avoid – after a motor vehicle crash.

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Should I Refinance? Six Things to Consider

After paying your bills, getting groceries and handling all the other expenses that have a way of popping up, it may seem like you never have anything left to put toward important things, like your children's education and your own retirement. It's a common problem, and if it sounds familiar to you, you're probably looking for a way to cut costs.

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What to Do If Your Vehicle Has a Recall

Has your car been recalled? According to NHTSA, there were 813 new vehicle safety recalls in 2017. A total of more than 30 million vehicles were affected by recalls, but a quarter of them were never fixed. That leaves about 7.5 million faulty vehicles on the road.

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Tips for Holiday Shopping on a Budget

‘Tis the season for giving – but too much giving can put a serious strain on your wallet. Don’t spend the new year deep in debt. Follow these 10 tips to keep your holiday shopping within your budget.

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How to Weigh Your Childcare Options

Evaluating your childcare options? It’s not easy. In fact, choosing appropriate childcare is one of the most stressful decisions parents face. Below, you’ll find key factors to consider, a list of your options and some insightful tips to help you through the selection process.

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Insurance Guide for Hurricane Season

Homeowners insurance is an essential tool to help you manage risk. However, it is only the beginning of the coverage you need during hurricane season (June 1-November 30).

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The Dos and Don'ts of Surviving an Apartment Fire

The fire alarm goes off. You assume it’s a false alarm until you notice smoke. Your apartment building is on fire. Do you know what to do? 

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Hurricane Season Is Here: Stock Up on These Essentials

It’s hurricane season in Hawaii. Do you have the supplies you need? In the Central Pacific, hurricane season starts June 1 and ends November 30. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that this year’s hurricane activity will be normal or above normal. To make sure you stay safe, pay attention to weather alerts and keep your home stocked with essential supplies. 

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How to Protect Your Car from Sun and Heat

It’s summer now, but in Hawaii, the warm weather can last year-round. While all this sun and heat help make Hawaii a beautiful paradise, it can also do a number on your car. 

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Everything You Need to Know to Be a First-Time Homebuyer

For years you’ve dreamed of owning your own home. Now it’s time to make that dream a reality. But there’s a lot more to buying a home than picking out the floorplan and deciding on the décor. For many people, a house is the biggest investment they’ll ever make. It takes some serious planning to do it right.

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How to Plan an Affordable Vacation

You don’t need to deny yourself a vacation to be financially responsible. You also don’t need to destroy your budget to go on vacation. There is a happy medium. With a few adjustments, it’s possible to plan an affordable vacation.

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How to Stay Zen Behind the Wheel

Do you ever get mad when you’re driving? Maybe you just mutter under your breath. Or maybe you honk your horn, yell and make rude gestures. Perhaps you even take a more active approach, cutting off offenders or slamming on your brakes. If so, it’s time you learned how to stay calm behind the wheel.

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